What Are the Additional Charges for Extra Passengers During a Limousine Ride in Tarrant County?

When booking a limousine ride in Tarrant County, it's important to know all of the charges that may be added to your final bill. Learn more about additional charges for extra passengers during a limousine ride.

What Are the Additional Charges for Extra Passengers During a Limousine Ride in Tarrant County?

When you book a limousine ride in Tarrant County, you should be aware of all the charges that may be added to your final bill. All charges during the trip, including tolls, parking, airport taxes, and luggage carts, will be included in the total cost. If you make any changes to your reservation that cannot be accepted or made and results in the cancellation of the reservation, you will be charged a full fee, including the travel tip. After the grace period expires, wait time charges will be charged at the respective hourly limousine rate at half-hour intervals.

The final bill for Dallas Limo and Black Car Service includes applicable rates and tolls, a 5% fuel surcharge, and a 20% chauffeur service charge. If you don't contact Dallas Limo and Black Car Service to cancel your reservation or you don't receive a cancellation call within 4 hours, Dallas Limo and Black Car Service will charge the full bill, including the tip. All charges related to the reservation can be paid in full, including, but not limited to, the full charge of the reservation to your credit card if it is considered that it has not been submitted. If you don't use the vehicle, meaning you don't enter the vehicle before the cancellation period, the service will be considered a service provided and Dallas Limo and Black Car Service may charge full rates.

It is important to make sure that you are using a properly authorized and insured limousine service when choosing your shuttle service. Most people think of the typical trampoline when they hear the term limousine, but on the contrary, any chauffeured vehicle service is technically considered a limousine. If you choose to offer an additional tip in cash, it is at your sole discretion and will be added to the 20% service charge you have already paid. Additional time or services will result in additional charges, at standard rates, calculated at the end of the trip.

Pearl Karnopp
Pearl Karnopp

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