What Are the Additional Charges for Extra Stops During a Limousine Ride in Tarrant County?

When you book a limousine service, your rate quote is based on the information provided at the time. However, changes to the service during the trip may result in additional charges such as extra stops, waiting time or an extension of charter duration.

What Are the Additional Charges for Extra Stops During a Limousine Ride in Tarrant County?

When you book a limousine service, your rate quote is based on the information provided at the time. However, changes to the service during the trip may result in additional charges, such as extra stops, waiting time, or an extension of the charter duration. If you think you didn't have any additional services, you can call the Accounting Department at (88) 245-3556 to review your charges. The modern limousine service offers an hourly rate for all other services based on a minimum charge of two (2) hours or more.

Your vehicle is shipped according to the estimated flight arrival time provided to Modern Limousine Service by each respective airline. Once the grace period expires, wait time charges will be charged at the respective hourly limousine rate at half-hour intervals. Special events and peak demand periods, both locally and in other markets, may impose higher prices, higher hourly minimums and, in some cases, multi-day minimums, additional notices for changes and cancellations. Modern Limousine Service reserves the right to refuse to transport people under the influence or in possession of illegal drugs, as well as people who are excessively intoxicated.

Additional time or services will result in additional charges, at standard rates, calculated at the end of the trip. Modern Limousine Service can offer point-to-point shuttle rates for local pickups and returns within the immediate service area of Los Angeles. Executive Limousine offers an all-inclusive airport service, as well as hourly service based on minimum time requirements and depending on the vehicle you choose. Modern Limousine Service and its chauffeurs always prepare in advance to avoid unnecessary delays in the arrival time.

Multiple stops or stops “off the direct route” may cause the trip to be reverted to hourly rates (as determined by Elite Limousines management), including applicable hourly minimums. The modern limousine service offers a fixed rate for most domestic commercial airport pickups and returns to or from LAX in the immediate Los Angeles metropolitan area and includes most major airports and metropolitan areas in the U. S. UU.

If you have any questions about these or other charges, call a modern limousine service representative. Modern Limousine Service cannot assume responsibility for the handling or maintenance of any luggage or other property, or for any property left in company vehicles. The charges for your reservation will appear on this credit card if you don't cancel your service in advance.

Pearl Karnopp
Pearl Karnopp

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